Recent News

13 September 2019

Rethinking Wasn’t Meant to be Thoughtless

Just months after the Inner West Council (IWC) supported Addison Road Community Organisation’s 'Rethinking the Urban Forest Conference', which attracted experts and participants from around Australia, IWC appears to have reset its policy thinking on tree canopy to destruction mode.
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12 September 2019

Pluto Beat

“There’s an anxiousness in the air. I don’t really know how to name the feeling. It’s not so much a personal anxiety, more a feeling from around the planet and for the planet. And with it a need for people to get together and get to know each other.” - DJ Gemma
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7 September 2019

Secret Rivers, Hidden Streams

2SER-FM Weekend Breakfast host, Jess Klajman, spoke with our Programs Coordinator, Mina Bui Jones, about ‘Memory and Landscapes’, an Addison Road Community Organisation event happening this Sunday morning, 8th September, 10am-12pm, exploring the hidden and 'lost' waterways running beneath Sydney’s Inner West.
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5 September 2019 / Featured

Frydenberg Syndrome – Careful, He Might Hear You

The illusion of trickle down economics is being laid bare. Money does not trickle down, it trickles up! Leading economists and business groups are all coming around the argument that Newstart should be increased – not simply because of social justice issues, but to get the economy moving.
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16 August 2019 / Food Relief

Meet Jay, Shift Team Leader at the Food Pantry

Meet Jay, Team Leader at the Food Pantry: "The reason I love rescuing food is because the amount of over-production is causing too much waste in the system.”
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31 July 2019

Living in Australia

Yesterday, the Living in Australia report was released based on the findings of the HILDA (Household, Income, Labour Dynamics in Australia) survey.  We are becoming poorer and poorer as a nation. Deeply stressed; and evermore deeply divided.
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18 July 2019 / Featured, Food Relief

Meet Kruno, Executive Chef from The Hilton and WOWFood! Donor

Kruno Velican learnt from a very early age not to take food for granted. Growing up in Croatia, Kruno fondly...
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12 July 2019

Come Together – NAIDOC Week Community.a.Fair at Addi Road

Days like today reinforce the wisdom that one of the greatest political acts we can be involved in is simply to be present in a place and remind ourselves and others we are part of a community that cares.
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11 July 2019

Art and Life – Radio Skid Row interviews Addi Road’s Rosanna Barbero and Mark Mordue

Tune in here for news on our children's book, The Hollow Tree; Addi Road's NAIDOC week celebration day, 'Community A. Fair'; recent problems with malicious damage of the Centre; and a forthcoming Public Schools Arts Festival.
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9 July 2019


This is a depressing and upsetting post to make. But it’s important our community is made aware of some dreadful actions that have occurred. Acts which is more than mere vandalism; crimes of malicious damage.
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