Recent News

19 March 2020 / Featured

Making Our Stand

I stand with you, my face masked, our eyes looking in at our hearts...
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18 March 2020 / Featured

The Virus Among Us – Fighting Racism and Rebuilding Community

Issues of racism and discrimination work like, and with, the virus we now fear. It's an issue that cannot and should not be silenced on Saturday, March 21st. We will use all the tools we have available in a podcast that is made available through our Facebook page and website.
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17 March 2020 / Featured

Up Beat – Finding Our Food Pantry’s Rhythm

Mark's been coming to Addi Road's Food Pantry for a while now. Lately, he's been noticing "all these new faces, and just loads more people. It's obvious the need is getting bigger and bigger with everything that is going on."
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13 March 2020 / Featured, Food Relief

Our Community Needs Food – Please Donate Now!!!

The demand for affordable groceries is shooting through the roof. Addison Road Community Organisation's FOOD PANTRY has seen a growth in customers of more than 20% every week for the last month. Food is a basic human right. Hunger is an injustice.
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11 March 2020 / Featured

A Right to A Say. A Right to Be Heard.

The inaugural Inner West March and Festival for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Saturday, March 21st. 2SER-FM interview with Addi Road CEO, Rosanna Barbero.
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27 February 2020 / Featured

An important message from Addi Road’s CEO, Rosanna Barbero

All over the world, March 21st is known as ‘International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination’. Only in Australia has it been rebranded as ‘Harmony Day’, diluting its relevance. Join us for the Inner West March and Festival for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Saturday March 21st.
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26 February 2020 / Featured

Beastie Boys and Butterflies

Elisa volunteers for Addison Road Community Organisation every week. You may have seen her working at the Main Gates on Sundays, but we know her best for keeping our kitchen well-organised and clean as a whistle...
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22 February 2020 / Featured

Living for the City

Barbara Licha opens her 'In Progress' exhibition at Addi Road's Up Space Gallery.
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21 February 2020 / Featured

Inner West March and Festival for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

We come together in the belief that we must challenge harmful forces that are growing in our society.
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5 February 2020 / Featured, Food Relief

V is for Victory

"We love what Addi Road's Food Pantry does. Because of what we do at Vic on Park, avoiding food waste is at the forefront of our minds all the time – on a business level, and on an individual level too." Alex Smith, Manager, Vic on the Park Hotel.
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