Food Security, Social Justice and Donna Summer

Food Security, Social Justice and Donna Summer

Towards the end of 2020 our Food Pantry Manager, Damien Moore, reckoned he’d been working so hard the time had come to drag him away “in a straitjacket singing that Donna Summer song, ‘Enough is Enough (I can’t go on no more!)’. I mean, it has been a pretty...
Another Level – The truth about poverty in Australia

Another Level – The truth about poverty in Australia

Ricci Bartels, Board Member for Addison Road Community Organisation, was invited to take part in a ‘Poverty Special’ panel discussion on ABC-TV’s The Drum last week. Host Ellen Fanning introduced Ricci by referring to her earlier and much discussed appearance on...
ABC Drive Adelaide: Newstart and the Job Providers

ABC Drive Adelaide: Newstart and the Job Providers

Jules Schiller: Listening to you and some of these callers there’s a sense of dehumanisation about these experiences that is difficult to comprehend if you haven’t been through it. Mark Mordue: “Oh yeah, look, honestly Julian, it’s impossible...
Frydenberg Syndrome – Careful, He Might Hear You

Frydenberg Syndrome – Careful, He Might Hear You

Thursday, 4th September 2019 – Hamish McDondald of Radio National Breakfast held a very interesting interview with the ALP’s Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers this morning. Like many people, Chalmers is deeply concerned by economic figures that show our...