Making History

Making History

Mina Bui Jones lines herself up by the pale blue wall of an old building, holding up a book. The book is called Ten Ordinary Men – The ANZACs of Addison Road. As Addi Road’s Program Manager and the editor behind the project, she’s proud to see it emerge on Remembrance...
From Kabul to Sydney, one Afghan woman tells her story

From Kabul to Sydney, one Afghan woman tells her story

(left to right): Fran Kelly (ABC Radio National), Rosanna Barbero (Addi Road CEO), Yiana Roumeliotis (Addi Road), Marwa MoEen, Tamkin Hakim (Community Migrant Resource Centre), Linda LoPresti (RN Producer). Photo by Mark Mordue. SCREEN shot: Marwa MoEen, ABC Radio...
The Story Teller

The Story Teller

Mike Williams has kept returning to Addi Road. The Radio National journalist and podcaster first came here “to capture a specific moment in time,” he says.  “With the pandemic, things are changing so fast. I wanted to get an insight into the work that was going on...
Food of Love

Food of Love

Things have changed for Brad-Lee and Ethan. Earlier this year Brad-Lee had a brain haemorrhage. It meant that his life as a musician and working in a hair salon had to come to a sudden stop. Double vision, difficulty walking, there were a whole lot of new challenges...
The Keeper

The Keeper

Clint Bolton seems a little melancholic today, like someone who is leaving home very reluctantly.   There are farewell speeches happening for him inside the hall that we have repurposed as our Addi Road Food Relief Hub. Clint has been coming here four mornings a week,...