Drawn to Rock

Drawn to Rock

Audrey is putting it all together. At age 16 she is still in Year 11 at high school. She was learning the piano for a year, she says. She also tried the recorder and ukulele. “I did choir too. Nothing ever really stuck. I wrote a couple of songs. None of them had...
Addi Rock is Coming

Addi Rock is Coming

ADDI ROCK is coming. The youth music festival is being put together by two 16-year-olds, Paddy and Audrey. They’ve formed a committee and started to book a few acts to do 15-minute sets. Wheels are turning.   Paddy just dropped in to the Addi Road Community...
No Harmony in Racism

No Harmony in Racism

A PODCAST from Addi Road and the Inner West Multicultural Network celebrating the meaning behind International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The day is supported by the United Nations. Australia is the only country in the world to have rebranded...