Wonderful feature story in today’s SMH Good Weekend about the photography exhibition ‘We Bleed the Same’, which made its debut here at the Stirrup Gallery in Marrickville.
Addi Road was integrally involved in sponsoring the exhibition and helping providing subjects who posed for the portraits and told their stories for this collection, launched for Refugee Week. We’re pleased to see the show has now been invited to become an exhibition at ANU for the Canberra Writers’ Festival in August.
Curator Liz Deep-Jones and photographer Tim Bauer’s project was supported by an Inner West Multicultural Grant along with in kind support from Addi Road.

You can view the full story, titled ‘Our Island Home’, here.


Above image Maryam El-Kiki. Photo by Tim Bauer.

Lead image refugee Thanush Selvarasa. Photo by Tim Bauer.