Many Little Voices
Celebrating the role of multicultural childcare in the Inner West

Addi Road was proud to present the Many Little Voices podcast, as a part of History Week 2021, about the historic role of the Addison Road childcare centre, one of the first multicultural childcare centres, opened by prime minister Bob Hawke in 1988.
The podcast features local legends of children’s services reflecting on the needs and achievements of our multicultural community.
Many Little Voices

History Week
The History Council NSW chose to go with the From the Ground Up for their 2021 theme – suggested by Addison Road Community Organisation, a valued member organisation.
What a great surprise our theme was chosen! We can’t wait to see how History Council members will engage with it. For us at Addi Road, a heritage site and community centre, From the Ground Up is an inspiring and relevant theme for History Week this year. It’s a reminder of the importance of place and Country; of the fundamental connections between specific environments and human endeavours. But it also suggests people’s histories, local histories, community histories — stories from the streets and from the soil that provide the material and the momentum for the making of history.
Addi Road programs & initiatives
Working with the community, we elevate human rights, arts & culture and sustainability.