Poetry in the Streets

Poetry in the Streets

Sara M. Saleh is the very recent winner of the prestigious 2021 Peter Porter Poetry Prize. “Say it fast as you can,” she jokes when she walks into the Addi Road offices. “The P-eter P-orter P-oetry P-rize.” Presented by Australian Book Review, the $10,000 prize is one...
No Harmony in Racism

No Harmony in Racism

A PODCAST from Addi Road and the Inner West Multicultural Network celebrating the meaning behind International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The day is supported by the United Nations. Australia is the only country in the world to have rebranded...
A Right to A Say. A Right to Be Heard.

A Right to A Say. A Right to Be Heard.

2SER-FM’s Weekend Breakfast host Jess Klajman spoke with Addison Road Community Organisation CEO Rosanna Barbero about the evolving role of Addi Road within Sydney’s Inner West.and the up-coming inaugural Inner West March and Festival for the Elimination of Racial...